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Your Astrology made into sound.
E N I G M A . E X P E R I E N C E
. Do you want to hear your natal chart? Perhaps a transit song? Do you want to learn about what other songs and/or albums feel associated with the music of your Astrology? Using both mathematics & intuition, I am offering a new way to do just that. Listening to your imprint. Your energy. Your Soulspeak. . The range for this offering is totally up to you. Check out the menu options below! The only caveat is to receive anything on the menu, you must place an order for 2+ menu items. If you are simply wanting a transit reading or a natal chart reading, I offer those separately at a different rate; same with the art on a vinyl option here - that is called ch | ART | s in my store. . Please indicate what you're ordering through each button. Limited Monthly Availability! |
- à la carte menu -
+ Natal OR Transit Reading +
A 50-minute session with me to "tune in" to your chart & the sounds that want to come in. I will need your full name, date of birth, place of birth, and exact time of birth (if I don't already have it). Learn more about these readings as an individual offer here. |
+ Individual Planetary Sounds +
Sound for each main planetary body, the Rising "heartbeat", Chiron & the Nodes. A handwritten chart with notes and intuitive information on how it all relates to music. Beneficial for astrologers and musicians, as well as :: meditation practice(s), stargazing, sungazing, etc. To be used creatively! What might you gain from hearing the Sound of your unique energies? |
+ Full Song - Natal Chart Only +
A unique composition of the sounds that I hear for your astrology, made into a 2-3 minute song. I am not a professional musician, but I do dabble, and these recordings are made with care. Notes for lyrics are included - but I am not writing your lyrics! Could be a cool way to feel in and write your own lyrics. Feel free to message me if you would like to hear a larger sample from previous work. |
+ Added Vocals - Only available with the Full Song Option +
A more mastered version of the full song. No lyrics, but vocal energy added. Harmonies are a potential as well - very organic and intuitive to the individual. More layers here! Only available with a full song menu order - click the button to email me for more details. |
Disclaimer : While I have training and experience in all of the services that I provide, I am not a licensed health care professional. Therefore, Maieutic•Arts, and its owner, Marlena McGuigan, cannot be relied upon to properly treat, diagnose, or advise any of its customers or participants. The products and services offered through Maieutic•Arts, and its owner, Marlena McGuigan, are offered with the view that each individual is ultimately responsible for his or her decisions, actions, and behaviors. In no event shall Maieutic•Arts, and its owner, Marlena McGuigan, be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from engagement with any of its services or products herein.